Enigmatic but troubled, gregarious yet diplomatic, and warmly hospitable but feared - the small size of Pakistan belies its countless intriguing characteristics. Pakistan may have its share of troubles, but it remains an interesting thought provoking destination. The kebabs of Peshawar, the gardens of Lahore, the boisterousness of Karachi,
and the heady appeal of the capital city of Islamabad - all ceaselessly vie for attention. Travellers looking for flights to Pakistan from London Heathrow have a wide choice, especially by way of European/Middle Eastern carriers connecting one stop flights through Europe or the Middle East. Some of the major airlines that one may consider are KLM, Etihad Airways, Turkish Airlines, and Qatar Airways. Pakistan International Airlines, the flag carrier of Pakistan, is a natural choice for several who are headed to the country. Flight options as well as frequency of flights are somewhat limited if one has to fly to smaller cities such as Peshawar or Sialkot.