Situated between Nairobi and Mombasa, Tsavo National Park is Kenya's largest wildlife stronghold. The park is divided into two distinct ecosystems, bisected by the main Nairobi-Mombasa road and railway. Tsavo East is generally flat, with dry plains over which the Galana River flows. Tsavo West is a wooded and more mountainous landscape with volcanic cones and lava flows. Both sides of the park are home to a vastly diverse array of wildlife, including the Big Five.
On a Tsavo National Park holiday you're likely to spot huge herds of elephants making their way across the open plains and grasslands. Visit the park's watering holes and you may see hippopotamus, crocodiles and other animals seeking water. In Tsavo East, look out for the distinctive 'red elephants', tinged with a reddish-brown hue due to the area's fine, red volcanic soil.
Visitors can easily combine the thrill of a Tsavo National Park safari with a relaxing beachfront stay in Mombasa, creating a well-rounded Kenyan adventure.